Senior Research Lead Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Data on the Canadian cost outlook for renewables and storage is currently fragmented and limited, with many actors relying on US-based sources. However, providing accurate and well-founded market estimates can significantly improve economic outcomes in a transitioning economy by enhancing planning and policy.
Dunsky will share our outlook on the trajectory for the cost of key clean energy technologies (solar, wind, storage) across key Canadian markets (QC, ON, AB, etc.). We will discuss our approach to estimating the costs of renewables for use in Canadian planning and policy analyses.
We’ll cover our key considerations in preparing a regional market outlook: • Why US-based numbers with simple currency conversion can be misleading; • Key drivers in Canada for establishing a price for renewables and storage; and • Drivers of differences between key Canadian provincial markets.
We’ll share what we’ve learned in preparing our forecasts of renewable and storage costs for key markets in Canada.