Renewable Energy Projects face challenging times as the growing trend by Owners and Developers is changing the role of an Owners Engineer to an Advisory Role to cut costs. Decisions made at the beginning of projects have short-term cost gains while creating medium- and long-term permanent impacts on projects’ lifespan. Owners' and Developers’ interests ultimately end up taking a back seat, while decisions are made by Vendors focused on improving their margins This can result in unreliable services, which compromises power production. Engineering Firms can best represent Owners and Developers to ensure high-value quality services are provided so that projects reach their full potential, maximize power, and improve profits for the entire project life-cycle.
Engineering analysis adds value and de-risks projects by thoroughly examining each aspect of the project - with the latest technologies - considering all the applicable codes and standards. Short Warranty periods offered by contractors fall well short of the typical life cycle, offering only 1- or 2-year warranty for 30-year life cycle plan. This leaves project financials at risk. Owners Engineers, when properly engaged, ensure projects are designed and built to last the entire life of the intended project lifecycle.
Owners Engineers de-risk all project-related factors, ensuring Owners’ and Developers’ best interests are at the heart of the matter. Project Investors can reap the benefits of having schedule stability, project reliability, and bankable worry-free investments paying back years of dividends while providing clean, sustainable renewable energy in the process. Join this discussion to discuss new opportunities to partner with Owners and Developers to represent them and provide quality services, making sure their projects reach their full potential for the entire project life-cycle.